donderdag 17 september 2015

Welcome on my Tap Titans adventure

Hey all

I decided to start a blog to keep myself motivated playing Tap Titans and reach my ultimate goal:
Get #1 in a tournament.
I'll be blogging about my progress, small intermediate goals, tip and tricks, tap titans updates (hopefully),...

Below you'll find some screenshots of my current progress. I know it is still a long way till I'll reach #1 in a tournament (I'll need to get to ms 3000 or maybe even more by the time I'll reach it). But one can only try :)

If anyone wants to add me, my friend code is 3w0z54d. (I do have perma-clone though, so I'm not tapping THAT much).

Thats it for now, I'll be updating again soonish.

Let's get tapping!

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